
cross_contamination_rate(mqc, biosample_id)

Description: Estimation of inter-sample contamination rate of short paired-end sequencing high quality, non duplicated reads, primary alignments, mapped on GRCh38 assembly.

insert_size_std_deviation(mqc, biosample_id)

Description: The insert size standard deviation of short paired-end sequencing high quality reads, primary alignments, mapped on GRCh38 assembly.

mad_autosome_coverage(mqc, biosample_id)

Description: The median absolute deviation of sequencing coverage derived from short paired-end sequencing high quality, non duplicated reads, primary alignments, achieving a base quality of 20 or greater and mapping quality of 20 or greater, in autosomes non gap regions of GRCh38 assembly.

mean_autosome_coverage(mqc, biosample_id)

Description: The mean sequencing coverage derived from short paired-end sequencing high quality, non duplicated reads, primary alignments, achieving a base quality of 20 or greater and mapping quality of 20 or greater, in autosomes non gap regions of GRCh38 assembly.

mean_insert_size(mqc, biosample_id)

Description: The mean insert size of short paired-end sequencing high quality reads, primary alignments, mapped on GRCh38 assembly.

pct_autosomes_15x(mqc, biosample_id)

Description: The percentage of bases attaining at least 15X sequencing coverage in short paired-end sequencing high quality, non duplicated reads, primary alignments, achieving a base quality of 20 or greater and mapping quality of 20 or greater, in autosomes non gap regions of GRCh38 assembly.

pct_reads_mapped(mqc, biosample_id)

Description: The percentage of short paired-end sequencing high quality reads, primary alignments, mapped on GRCh38 assembly.

pct_reads_properly_paired(mqc, biosample_id)

Description: The percentage of short paired-end sequencing high quality, properly paired reads, primary alignments, mapped on GRCh38 assembly.

yield_bp_q30(mqc, biosample_id)

Description: The number of bases in short paired-end sequencing high quality reads, primary alignments, achieving a base quality score of 30 or greater (Phred scale).